Simple commands:
Usage |
Example |
Description |
/nick newNick |
/nick itchy |
changes your nick to itchy. If it doesn't work, it means someone else is already using that nick, choose another. (nick limited to 8 characters) |
/me action |
/me is rolling on the floor laughing |
emotes an action, ie. itchy is rolling on the floor laughing |
/msg nick message |
/msg scratchy Hey, I have a secret to tell you |
sends a private message to another user. |
:) |
:-D |
:-O |
:o |
:p |
;) |
:( |
:| |
:'( |
:$ |
(h) |
:-@ |
:@ |
:s |
* If the chat interface is not working for you, you may need an updated version of java which can be downloaded here.
* Chat room will usually be active around 7:00pm - 8:30pm (GMT +8)