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A few words from the Site Editor: is a non-profit organization that aims to facilitate learning of handline fishing for interested individuals. What you will find in this website is mostly fundamental information needed to start off fishing. Grasping the fundamentals in fishing is critical to successful fishing and also an integral to other types of fishing techniques. Learn them well.

There is also a fish section to familarize anglers with local fish species and information they should know about each fish. A successful hunter understands his/her 'prey' first before devising a best way to catch them and not the other way round. Anglers are encouraged to read widely to familiarize themselves with the different types of existing fishing methods and how they are applied in local fishing. There's a list of website in the link section you can visit to learn more about local fishing.

If you have a question you cannot find an answer from this website, feel free to post them at the discussion forums where I or other readers can help answer it.

Hope you find this website useful.

Good fishing to you,