How to fish :: Basics & Concepts ::

So you're new to fishing...

If you're reading this page, it probably means you're interested in fishing but don't know where to start or the kind of fishing you might be interested in. This section will give you an overview of fishing, particularly in Singapore, which can be very different from neighbouring countries.

Current fishing condition and productivity

Singapore is one of the most densely populated places in the world. Even though there is water all around this country, you will find that there won't be a spot where no one is fishing. Urbanization has claimed much of the coast and water that could have been used for fishing. Although this results in a high 'anglers:fishing ground' ratio has attributed to decline in fish stocks in common fishing grounds, it is nowhere as significant as habitat destruction caused by land reclamation and destroying reefs to make way for ports and ship's fairways.


As such, one should always keep in mind not to keep their hopes high in landing a fish on every trip. It won't be like what you saw on that DVD that came with a fishing magazine.

attitude towards fishing

Fishing as a recreational activity

Fishing has evolved from once a hunting technique for food to becoming a recreational activity, or sports if you will. If you're taking up fishing as a hobby, you first have to accept a cold hard fact that fishing comes with certain level of 'cruelty' from a civilized humanity viewpoint. One might argue such 'cruelty' exists everyday in the natural world; to hunt and be hunted. In this sense, it does seem justified killing for food.

As fishing pure sports, the concept of 'Catch and Release' comes into light. This concept does reduce the impact the fish population due to recreational fishing but do know that it does not make it any less cruel. If anything, it makes it less justifiable than one catching a fish for food. (To crudely put it: the fish is tortured soley for an angler's pleasure)

In sports fishing all over the world, 'Catch and Release' is generally encouraged,

Regardless of releasing a catch or not is up to an individual. But it is important to realize the fragility of the marine ecology in Singapore and the very least an angler can do is not to cause unecessary harm/death to fishes, i.e. unwanted catches.

So is CNR a noble thing to do? It depends how you look at it, but it is definitely not at the best interest of marine conservation. Because if you did, you wouldn't be fishing in the first place. The act of "Catch and Release" is a mitigation to the impact of recreational fishing towards fish population. Saving a fish you intentionally injured isn't exactly noble. Do not mistaken cnr for nature conservation.